5th Symposium of the German SIAM Student Chapters
Hamburg, 2016
It has become already a tradition - the meeting of the German SIAM student chapters. This year the event took place in Hamburg at the Geomatikum. The first day started with the introductory panel "Does academia prepare us for jobs in the industry?“ and a poster session. We had the great opportunity to get insight into the research of members of the SIAM chapters from all over Germany. As the chapter meeting was combined with the MathMods Alumni meeting, we had poster contributions from all over Europe. The motivating international atmosphere continued in the evening with activities in the old town of Hamburg, Hafen City and Reeperbahn. The lively environment facilitated networking between the members of different chapters.
On the second day we had four sessions filled with scientific talks. In the modeling session Malin Schemschat from the Heidelberg chapter gave a talk on "Simulation based analysis of human push recovery motions using numerical optimization". Almost every talk was followed by a lively discussion which showed the interest of the audience in the topics of the wide field of applied mathematics. In the evening MathMods Alumni shared their experiences from their every day business routine. That was a good starting point for conversations during the conference reception at the end of the day.
The third day started with Ole Klein, treasurer of the Heidelberg chapter, giving two scientific talks: "A primer in persistent homology" and "Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification for Flow and Transport Processes". In the end of the three workshop days the officers of all attending SIAM student chapters met, reported local activities, exchanged ideas and gave feedback to the workshop organizers.
4th Symposium of the German SIAM Student Chapters
Trier, 2015
3rd Symposium of the German SIAM Student Chapters
Magdeburg, 2014
2nd Symposium of the German SIAM Student Chapters
Heidelberg, 2013